Company profil
Created in 1975 and named SOSELMAR, the company was building radio-rooms based on HF radio and telex on big boats, and manufacturing under his name interfaces and HF sub-assembly. 
Then with the birth of Satcoms, Satellite telecom was integrated in fully automatized custom made, radio systems. 
Around 1985, the very first TV at sea was installed and incorporated in TV distribution on large yachts, passenger ships and drilling platforms. 
At year 2001, F2E RF & SYSTEMS, succeeding to SOSELMAR, has developed ORBIT TVRO and VSAT systems, focusing mainly on gyro stabilised, small sized VSAT which was the "Next future of telecom-at-sea". 
In 2008, after five years of negotiations we got the TELCOMARSAT contract for the French Navy in a join venture with DCNS. TELCOMARSAT contract concerns the supply on every French warships of ORBIT gyro stabilised VSAT. For that achievement, F2E RF & SYSTEMS becomes F2e ORBIT France.